Saturday, February 28, 2009

Men's and women's Rights in Thai society

Thai women
By tradition in a male-oriented society like Thailand, men have had more rights or rather privileges than women in many respects. From then until the present, we find more men holding major offices than women such as executive officers of business and local administration. Men also have more power in family matters than women. Whereas the highest executive offices in large firms are mostly men' smaller firms may be managed by women.

More men than women Thai society hold major offices. The number of men in Parliament still outnumber women MP' s even in this more liberated age. Comparing the total male MP roster with women during the election, more especially the pro- military parties which are obviously more traditionalist had two or three male candidates to one female and she was there most likely to follow the trend. Furthermore, there are still more male district officers and police officers than there
are women. Women are traffic officers in the police department and deputy district officers in local government. However, the number of women managers to men in private business is impressive. People attribute this the intelligence of women compared to men.

The similar reason, women have less to say in family matters than their husbands. Men are still free to roam and wander while their wives must bear the responsibility and the burden for them. Men decide whether and what to sell among property ¡ncluding valuables and even children while their wives may watch helplessly. A man may gamble away his family's savings or spend it in election campaigns by dumping it in the provinces but his wife may not. In this regard, a good wife must support her husband even when saying a tearful farewell to grown children Who are sold to brothels in Bangkok or major cities.

As spoken about above, more women are managers in private business than men. They assume more important office posts while their husbands and male kin assume labour posts. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Thai men prefer labour or regard Women as incapable of hand labour, or that they are not capable of important office work like accounting and personnel management. It is a known fact that Thai women outsmart their mate counterparts so long as women receive a good education, and a higher education than men.

Whereas administration of government and large businesses remains primarily a man' s occupation, as well as being the "head of the family." Women are showing their ability an administrators in other areas. Men still outnumber women in Parliament or local government, as with male Mps in female or male district officers to female deputies. However, women are often managers of small firms in any capacity. Men take the handwork and let women handle the customers or paperwork for the firm.


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